The Performance Groups I'm involved in on campus are as follows:
Symphony Band
Percussion Ensemble
Campus Drummline
This semester there were only six people up for the Drummline so we're forming a small marhing bass ensemble, or having a small drum circle for the concert in late March. However, yours truly, offered to write a 3-man marching tenor ensemble, and Bro. Taylor went for it! I'm really excited!
Whenever I get nostalgic about past marching years I always cue this up on Youtube:
I'll never forget when I got to see these guys live in Cheney! So, so good. Having missed my window to perform in a drum corp, I'm really looking forward to helping a local high school's drumline out! Maybe this fall, maybe Madison High School. Maybe.
My deciding to write something for the Percussion Ensemble Concert was seriously the high point of my week. Yesterday I spent (no joke) four staight hours getting acquainted with BYUI's marching tenors and writing a little. Why is writing something original so hard to do? It's gonna be amazing though, visually and musically. Actually, I feel more confident in the saying it will be visually amazing, musically.... we'll see. I'm trying to incorporate a lot of different rhythm styles, rudiments and dynamics, but I've never done anything like this before! Not a lot of water to draw out of the well, if you know what I mean. I need a catchy name for it, I may call it "Schruted". (Office reference)
My kid sister just put in her application to BYUI! I have no doubt she'll get in, she's such a bright girl. And she's going to LOVE it here, she better bring a stick to beat all the guys off with! I've been missing my family a lot lately, the last time I saw them was in November for the Open House we had in Spokane. It was a quick two days that didn't last.
Come to think if it, I don't have any pictures of them on here.

My dad. CTU as in "Counter Terrorist Unit" from 24.

My mom, apparently doing a rap for the youth of our ward. Honestly, what mom has the vision and courage to do this?

My big brother Jared, and his wife Kimbo. The game? Cheeto head.

My little sister, Kate. See what I mean about the boy-beating-stick?

Scotty. High on life.

Jared's little boy, my nephew, Monty. I call him the Count of Monty Cristo.

I am positive that everyone says this about their families, but I truly believe we share a bond uncommon to most. When we get together, we always have fun. I miss Sunday nights at home playing board games and holding Monty. I miss sitting out in the hot tub having conversations with my dad. I miss watching movies with Jare. I miss sitting together at church, trying to focus on the speaker and not fall victim to the dizzyingly-cute Montgomery. Without a doubt, my most cherished memories with my family are yearly summer trips to camp at Grand Coulee Dam. THAT is an entire blog's worth of memories. Another blog, another day. I would love, to settle down in Spokane and stay close to them, but with me going after Seminary and teaching music it's a gamble. Spokane is a great place to raise a family. The Church is strong there, the members are great, we experience all four seasons, there's two beautiful lakes within twenty minutes, plenty of places to camp, release-time seminary, a Temple right in the valley, and downtown Spokane is only a half hour away. If I do get into Seminary, the Church could send me to teach anywhere in the Western states. But if I go into Music, if I had my choice I'd finish my Master's at Eastern and teach in the Valley. "If wishes were fishes", right?
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