Just like any other night, I was perusing Facebook and stalking all my friends in a very semi-creepy way, and stumbled upon the blog of a very dear friend of mine. I've been friends with this girl for two years last month and
never knew she had a blog. I read and read and read and read, and found the refreshingly down-to-earth perspectives and thoughts, thoughts I hadn't heard since the late-night conversations we'd have in obscure locations (Shari's booths at 2 a.m., empty Taco Bell parking lots).
Anyhow, I felt inspired. So here I am.
I feel like a vague introduction is in order.
I'm 23 years old but if we met you probably wouldn't guess any older than 19, people are always saying that to me.
I'm a devout Christian, and hold a firm testimony that the Savior's church has been restored on the earth.
I love Italian, Greek and authentic Mexican food.
When I was in Kindergarten, all the kids in my class were asked to make a collage of something they liked, when the teacher came to my table she looked over my shoulder to see a piece of construction paper covered in JCPenny models with three words: "I love women!" Seventeen years later I find myself engaged to the most beautiful and genuine girl I've ever known. We're getting married on November 6th of this year, go me!
The name of my blog, "On and On" comes from my favorite musician's second album. That man is Jack Johnson, everything he writes makes me think.
I spent two years in Australia and would love to see more of the world.
My love for NBC's "The Office" has no end. I have a trivia board game that I am yet to be beaten at.
Family is very important to me. I'm the second of four children and am the Uncle of one hilarious newphew (age 1).
In the summer of 2005 I took a girl on a date and I made her throw up. You think I'm joking, or you think it was the food. It wasn't. It was me. Take my word for it.
Enough introductions. I'm going to bed.